CeraVe Commercial

(I've uploaded the video using two different methods just in case one method doesn't work.)

My journey of making my first official AICE Media project has finally come to a close. From here on, I know what to expect; and this is definitely a class I have to work my hardest on. Doing this project was just a taste of what I have to do next and I'm prepared for it. With this project, I guarantee I tried my absolute best. Additionally, I want to acknowledge that I will improve my skills as well. I understand I could have made the commercial have a cooler storyline or made it slightly more entertaining. However, I wanted to follow the conventions of a skincare ad and usually, those types of things don't happen. I know for next time I should do my project however I want, creativity is key. I want to entertain my audience so they enjoy watching. I'll continue to improve by finding new techniques on how to accomplish this. (Perhaps more research could help). Also, I did a decent job with filming and editing but I need to remember to "spice it up." I want crazy transitions and cooler camera angles in my stuff.  I want to have the absolute most fun with this whilst creating a good product. (I'm considering having a cameraman to help me film to achieve this). I have to think back on great movies/tv-shows I enjoy and reflect that in my projects. I want this to be the very best. So as I progress, I promise each video will get better and better. I know I will enjoy this like I already do. Maybe next time I could be even more proud of myself. If I could have fun making these products, then my audience should have fun watching them.


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