Planning for Final Task: Scripts

 Dialogue & Sound Script 

Scene 1: No dialogue ... then suddenly alarm rings.. *faintly sighs*

Scene 2:  Teacher: " Today class we are going to get started on chapter 5..." 

 M/C:   "Everday feels like the same day over and over again... I'm tired, I'm lonely, I'm sad" 

Scene 3: M/C: " I just want to feel something for once. To not be bored with life." *fast-paced music*

Scene 4: M/C: "But now things are finally going to change" 

Sister: " We're about to do the cake soon- what are you doing?" *music cuts off* 

M/C: "Oh my god! Get out!"

Sister: "Sorry just hurry up"  

M/C: "Alright, Alright"

Sister: "Oh yeah and Happy Birthday by the way"

Scene 5: *music plays faintly through headphones* No dialogue

Scene 6: *family singing happy birthday*... 

Sister: "make a wish" 

*music intensifies*

Voiceover: "I wish-"

Scene 7: *intense music* no dialogue 

Scene 8: *heavy breathing* 

Sister: "are you okay?!"

M/C: "yeah yeah I'm fine"

Sister: "what happened"

M/C: "bad dream"

Sister: "You're such a dork. No way mom thinks you could stay home alone.

M/C: "Alone? Where are you guys going?'

Sister: "I have no idea but apparently you cant come she told me to tell you."

M/C: "It's okay I have some work to catch up on anyways"

Scene 9

M/C: "Ow! What is this? A toothache?"

*loud bang*

Scene 10

M/C: "Where my phone I have to find mom." *loud overpowering music*

Scene 11

M/C: "I was trapped"  "Nowhere to go"  "Nowhere to hide" 

Shooting Script 

Scene 1: 

  • Saturation is low
  • Character is asleep 
  • High Angle shot
  • Rolling around in covers 
  • Close up to the character's eyes opening
Scene 2: 
  • Side view of the character looking at the computer screen
  • She appears to be bored and tired
  • Gets up and marks the calendar only to sit back down sads again
Scene 3:
  • Fast-paced editing showing the time skips that occurs 
Scene 4:
  • Looks through box piled with junk 
  • Finds notebook and gleams with excitement
  • Sister walks in and talks to m/c 
  • She walks off but then remembers to say happy birthday. 
Scene 5:
  • pan around m/c
  • she writing in a notebook
  • tilt camera angle to reveal she is doing something dangerous
Scene 6:
  • close up on eyes
  • she closes her eyes to make a wish
  • low angle to blow candles on the cake 
Scene 7:
  • This is a dream there will be vignette and blurry editing to let the audience know it's a dream. She is being chased by an unknown man. 
  • The camera will be facing the back of the character, crosscutting between her and the man. Sees from her point of view.
Scene 8:
  • Over the shoulder shot and long shot while they are talking.
Scene 9:
  • M/C is at the desk doing work and suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her cheek
  • She goes to check in the bathroom and looks down in the sink 
  • Looking into the mirror she notices a smile is on her face, she can't rub it off
Scene 10:
  • Runs into her room.
  • Try to find phone doesn't notice the "person" in the room behind her 
  • Eye line match
  • Running through the house in slow motion
Scene 11:
  • crosscuts from title screens to actual scenes
  • Steadicam 
  • Voice over


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