Intro Blog

 Hi, I'm Jayla Darden a.k.a your average teenage girl. And as boring as it sounds I have no special talents, no hobbies, no sports, no pets; I'm just here. One would say, I'm good at drawing but I'm definitely mediocre at best. So then they shift it saying I'm a great writer but my horrible grammar hides that fact. Deeming me creative might be an option but as I grow older I feel as if  I'm starting to lose that sense of creativity. I swear I'm not a pessimist, I just like to be realistic. The only thing I have good going for me right now is my school career. Being a junior in high school exhibits my school career almost at a close and the next step is college. My goal is to make it into a good college so my parents could be proud of me. And they will be because I believe in myself; see I told you I'm not a pessimist. 

I take this class so I could get experience with college classes before I get there. (Also for the credit of course.) So far I like it, it's taught me more things about technology that I didn't know before. Unfourtanelty when it comes to it, I'm like an old woman with technology. Sadly, my own mother has helped me with trying to work my own laptop at times. Can you believe I don't even know how to type? This single sentence alone took me 30 seconds in total... maybe even more! However don't feel too sorry for me, it used to be worse. Besides my horrible experience with knowledge of technology, I love films and television series. Learning about behind the scene factors like camera angles and the sounds used in these forms of entertainment is interesting to me. I would love to learn more. 

Moreover, I would like to recommend this entertainment company which partners with various other companies to produce some of the most amazing films and one of the best t.v shows from 2019. The show is called Euphoria and the cinematography is amazing. 

The entertainment company is called A24 and I watch one of their movies a day (this may or may not be an exaggeration). So now that I think of it, maybe I do have a hobby; binge-watching A24 films. Sounds like the best hobby ever to me.


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