Planning Storyboard for my CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser commercial


First Scene - The product will be shown from a low angle, maybe blurring out the background, traveling up to the label. Then the voiceover will roll in and the text will say "Hydrate your skin."

Second Scene - The second scene will most likely be a mid-shot, showing the subject's upper body. She will be looking directly at the camera and say " Your face is delicate and so should your cleanser be!" She will appear happy and will be wearing a towel or head wrap on her head with a white shirt.

Third Scene - This scene will be a close-up shot of the subject washing her face with the product. The voice-over will be describing what exactly the cleanser will do to the consumer's skin.  (Im still debating on whether a prop should be included in this scene or will that be too excessive.)

Fouth Scene - To attempt to smoothly transition into this scene, it will start from the zoomed position from the last scene and then it will appear that the camera is moving further rather than closer. The frame will now have the subject with a freshly cleansed face. The subject will then say, " Your face will feel hydrated & clean."

Fifth Scene - In this scene, the product will be shown in front of a colorful background for a change in scenery. This gives time for the consumer to read the benefits the products provide in the fine print and so they could get a closer look at the product. The voiceover will read the words that will appear on the scene. According to the storyboard plan and my thoughts right now, at the end of this scene, the subject will pick up the product to show that this shot is a point of view.

Sixth Scene - The product will be next to the subject as she says the closing line, "So skip the bar soap that dries out your skin and use CeraVe Facial Cleanser to retain its moisture!" 

Along with the voiceover, music should be overlayed on the commercial during the editing process.


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