Research blog: Commercial Conventions

 My commercial will be exhibiting the skincare product "CeraVe", specifically the "Hydrating Facial Cleanser". Usually, in skincare commercials, they target how the product benefits the consumer by using statistics and 3d animations of the product on the skin for a visually stimulating experience for the consumer. Some might notice the trend of water being used in skincare commercials, whether it's being splashed on one's face or the editing has water overlayed in the video. Water is universally seen as being refreshing and clean which alludes to the product feeling the same way on the skin. Moreover, closeups and soft natural lighting are ideal in skincare commercials. Closeups call for a very detailed shot, it's used to show how flawless the skin is after using the product. The soft natural lighting makes the subject appear beautiful and youthful, the frame is clearer and inviting because there's little to no shadows present in this shot.

The subject always wears the color white because it's not as vivid and distracting compared to other colors. Even in some cases, the subject will appear nude because the main focus is the skin. No makeup is on the subject because the whole idea is to model the product and its true benefits.

Ambient relaxing music often plays in the background accompanied by a voiceover of the subject describing the product. The appropriate sound effects will be playing in the background as well.

Since the commercial is targeting people with the problems the skincare product treats or heals, the commercial would provide logical facts on how the product is made. The active ingredients will be mentioned in the commercial along with the overall benefit the product endorses. The statements would be understandable to the general public/the average person. For example, if the product uses hyaluronic acid instead of mentioning that ingredient directly the commercial would say, " It reduces fine lines and wrinkles whiles visibly shrinking your pores."

This is an example of a 3d animation used in skin care commercials. It displays how the product works beneath the skin's barrier.


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