Creative Critical Reflection: Commercial

 1.) How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 

My product uses the conventions of a classic skincare commercial by setting that mood of a bright happy environment to convey the message of if the person in the commercial is happy so should the consumer be. This is why the subject in the commercial is smiling and has a lot of energy into everything she says. Additionally, the commercial had incorporated a slogan so the audience is more convinced to buy the product and to better remember it. I described the benefits of the product and I gave a close up of the product for the audience to resemble other skin care commercials. The purpose is to display the product in a positive light and persuade the audience to buy the product. Describing the benefits of the product directly targets a specific audience and gives that audience all the more reason to buy the product. The product represents social groups by specifically addressing people with drier skin to use the product. The commercial is meant for the viewer to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin by giving them a solution to their problem.

2.) How does your product engage with audiences AND And how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

My product engages with audiences by targeting a group of people who are most likely interested in my product. Also, the lighting used is soft lighting in the opening shot so it is obvious the commercial will be about something positive so more people feel entitled to watch it. In the commercial, it shows the subject washing her face, which is what the product is used for. So, now the audience is visually engaged as well. I added an alluring background in one of my shots to make the commercial more visually appealing and it should engage the audience into wanting to watch the commercial even further. The commercial will be distributed as a real media text by being played on television networks. Mainly networks made for teens because around that age they are more inclined to use this type of product because of acne. Also, the audio of the commercial could be played on radio stations as well.

3.) How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skills became significantly better. The most important thing I think I learned is how to add a voiceover to my product. I was so worried and confused about how it was going to turn out and it came out perfect. I feel accomplished knowing how to do it and I could use this skill for my later projects as well. It was successful because the voiceover didn't cover up the sound of the music either. While doing this project I learned a lot more things like how to shoot from different angles and the uses of natural light and even learning how to plan better for my product. I felt very organized and prepared, this project was very stress-free. 

4.) How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - in this project? 

In this project, I use iMovie to edit my video and I used Google Drive to save all my clips and to export my video back and forth between my laptop and my phone. I used YouTube and Google for research on the conventions of my project and to answer questions I had on things I was confused about. In the scene where I used a moving background behind my product, I used a video of clouds to make the scene look appealing. 


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