Filming Blog for my Music Video

 Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to film yet because of the Thanksgiving Break. During my break, I was occupied with family-oriented things and I haven't really thought of school. It was refreshing having those days off and spending time with my family. However, I will say today, officially the first day after the break ended; before I started this very blog, I organized more of my ideas of my plan for the music video. I've been jotting down ideas and inspiration for ideas that I might want to use in my project. I write this all down in my notes app on my phone. It includes reminders and tips I need for my project as well. I failed to mention this but I did the same in my commercial project, I jotted down all my new ideas and tips in the notes app. Most of the things on my notes are unrealistic expectations especially since I'm doing the project alone and I'm assuming I cant do but I''ll still attempt to try. When filming I will need it to be a time when the sun is out and I'll have all the curtains open in my room to get that perfect lighting. I have some worries because I know I want to film in two separate locations. I don't want it to appear that I'm in different rooms in the music video just different scenes. Also since I will be playing two different characters I have to make it look like I'm two separate people. I'm no professional so this will be tricky. But I learned some tips from an app called Tik Tok on how to achieve this look and I will be using these tricks. 

Additionally, I want to film on days when I have the freest time and energy so I'm trying to find the two perfect days for this and hopefully I could start tomorrow. In the meantime, I gathered the little things I needed for my music video like the props. I found my fisheye lens that was getting dusty in my closet because I haven't used it in so long. I made sure someone picked up a bag of oranges at the grocery store, I looked for the images and appropriate websites I want the character in my music video to look at on the screen of the laptop. And also I tried to include things of the correct color palette of the music video like the wardrobe and miscellaneous props. Planning for this project is so exciting, I feel like this music video doesn't even feel like schoolwork. I know it'll be a lot of fun. I want to capture that essence in the lyrics of the song in my music video. Hopefully, the colors and visuals I use carry this music video to success. 

This is a screenshot off of the phone of my planning notes. 


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