Filming in my loud house

 The filming process for my commercial advertisement was somewhat hectic for me. For the first couple of scenes, I filmed in my room. That day I had unexpected guests and usually, my house guest is obnoxiously loud. This event forced me to postpone my filming up until they left. After what felt like an hour or two they did. And this was my signal to start filming. In order to film, I needed to prop my phone up and I had the ingenious idea to get my nightstand and place my opened laptop on top of it. Then I would lean my phone on my laptop. At first, this idea seemed brilliant. The filming process was going so smoothly until my phone kept tipping over. The balance the phone had on the computer wasn't reliable. But this is what I had to work with and I made it work!

On top of that, filming my next scene gave me even more problems. In this scene, I had to incorporate a mirror and a tv. Those props were needed to create a beautiful background for the product to model alongside with. The mirror was used to reflect off of the tv and so the product could rest on it. Filming this scene my hand would shake a lot because of the angle. I had to stop and restart recording because of this and also because of the noise levels in my house. Hopefully, I could manage to do a voiceover in a quiet place to hide the fact that my house is so noisy. Additionally, The lighting in this scene seemed unfitting to my theme. Everything should be bright and stimulating but it was dull and gloomy. I had to play around with the flash and natural light I had in my room. After all of that, I finally got my perfect clip. I will admit, the filming process was very challenging but I'm satisfied with the outcome.


This is a blooper from my commercial.


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