Introduction to the Music Video Project

 My next experience will be shooting the Music Video Project, which I'm very eager for. For this project, I will be working alone because of the pandemic that's occurring at the moment. But it's not necessarily a bad thing, I'm a great independent worker. I'm more of the introverted anti-social type and I'm not great with expressing my ideas with others. For this reason, I want to acknowledge that I plan to work on my communication skills. I know having those skills will help significantly in the real world. With that being said, I'm sure one could guess that I'm not dominant when working on a group project. However, if I work alone I could express my ideas to its full capability. I know exactly what I want to do and no one can doubt or exclude my ideas. Nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt working with someone else because two heads are better than one. Maybe my ideas aren't as good and creative as I might think. so another person would be beneficial in multiple ways. Working with another person may mean having better time management by splitting the project up into equal parts and more creativity and quality overall put into the project. Even so, I have to work with what I got and I'm pleased to work alone. 

For my MusicVideo Project, I decided to select the song titled Orange Juice by Melanie Martinez. I choose this song because it has a clear message displayed in the lyrics of the song. The artist is addressing body image issues that women go through. The artist wants her audience to understand from the lyrics that everyone's body is perfect in their own way. I wanted to pick a song that has a serious topic or message to it so it's easier to portray through media. The objective is to tell a story with the format of a music video and I have an idea of what exactly I want to do. Additionally, I really love this song it's very catchy and the strong empowering message it has behind it spreads awareness.

(This is a scene from the original music video.)


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