Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

 SCENE 1: In my music video I plan on playing 2 separate characters. The first character will be a girl struggling with body image. She will be looking at women with the "ideal" body type on her laptop.

SCENE 2: The first character introduced, will be eating an orange in this scene, which is a very important part of the Music Video. Later the audience will see this is the only food she eats. 

SCENE 3: The second character in the MV is the girl's friend, and she peeks in to see her sad friend, the second character wears a face filled with worries. 

SCENE 4: The first character in this scene looks in the mirror and grabs at her skin, she's insecure with her body. She is comparing it to the "ideal" body type.

SCENE 5: The friend comes in to comfort her and assures her that her body is perfect the way it is. In this scene, the laptop will show women with different body types. LYRICS: "your body is imperfectly perfect, everyone wants with the other one's working..."

SCENE 6: Since it's extremely unhealthy for her to base her whole diet on solely eating oranges, the friend convinces her to throw the oranges away. This will start a new chapter in her life, and she will start to eat real food. LYRICS: "no more orange juice".

SCENE 7: *in the storyboard drawing I switched up the order of the scenes because I was still deciding on what's best for the MV structure, that's why there are arrows on the sheet* In this scene, I plan on having a closer shot on the face to emphasize on the despair the character feels. Also, the background will appear to be spinning, to resemble the chaos crowding the mind of the character. It's like the transition of the character being sad and then becoming happy.

SCENE 8: After becoming happy and accepting the beauty of her body, she starts to eat. I plan to make a montage of her eating and it leads into the next scene.

SCENE 9: The girl loves her body and gains confidence after eating. On the laptop, it shows herself looking at body positivity articles to show her character development.

SCENE 10: This scene will be from the point of view of the second character, I will attempt to use a fisheye lens to make this illusion. Her friend sees her as perfect and beautiful just the way she is. LYRICS: " I wish that I could give you my set of eyes, cause I know your eyes ain't working." 

SCENE 11: The recovery is a long process so she goes back to her old ways in a vulnerable moment. She looks around to see if her friend is looking and then proceeds to take oranges out of the trash can.

SCENE 12: Her friend walks in catching her in the act, with the oranges in her hands and they might throw the oranges away again. ( I haven't decided yet.) Then after it will show the two talking and being happy. 

Scenes 1-6

Scene 7-12


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