
Showing posts from December, 2020

Reflection Questions for My Muisc Video

 How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? My product uses the conventions of an Alternative Pop Music Video by featuring a character in my music video that has nothing to do with myself. I used another persona of a girl who is very insecure and who isn't comfortable in her own skin. Melanie Martinez (the artist of my song) uses a persona in her music videos and she is known for using this persona.So I did the same in my music video to follow the genre's conventions.  Also, the color scheme of my music video was chosen based off of the conventions of a Melanie Martinez music video. She likes to use bright pastel colors and childish like objects and clothes in her music videos. I tried to incorporated things of that nature that's why you see the character eating bright colored foods, the white and light blue walls, and the pink shirt and blue skirt. Using these conventions in my music video was an attempt to have t

My Music Video

My music video is about a girl who struggles with body image and who is very insecure with herself.  The girl eats oranges so she can achieve the  "ideal body type". This is alluded in the video by showing her computer screen with the google search of models. The girl featured in the video tends to look at herself in the mirror a lot and compares herself to these skinny models. In this music video it shows her daily struggle of feeling insecure about her body but also the journey she ventures through learning how to love herself. She searches up articles and ways to love herself and her body and thats when the process starts. The spinning scene shows that she feels stuck in the middle of chaos but its also the bridge of her becoming more confident with herself. The spinning scene is mixed with the scene of the girl eating the oranges because her main struggles in life is only eating oranges, its suppose to be a flashback. Then the audience gets a sequence of the girl continui

Editing Blog for my Music Video

 Editing my music video required a little more effort than my other projects. This is because I use used different techniques to make my music video more complex. For example, I used this app called Videoleap and it creates a zoomed effect for specified scenes that I picked. I wanted to highlight the importance of the scene so my audience understands the story of the music video a little bit better. Additionally, I used this effect again and I added a tilt to make the scene more dramatic and show how desperate the character is to accomplish her goal. Furthermore, for the portion of the video where I wanted to cut in between scenes to show that the character is slowly losing her negative mindset. I edited this separately, before even putting the clips together as a whole. I did this by gathering the two separate footages and morphed them together. I made sure I turned down the saturation of the footage where the character was sad to really emphasize that she was. I added the spinning sc

Filming Blog for my Music Video (pt. 2)

 So I finally had the opportunity to film and at first, everything went wrong. I couldn't find adequate lighting, my phone kept falling off of my laptop (which I use as a stand to help me record), I was sweating in my outfit, and I was extremely tired that day. I had everything planned out and I was more than ready to film but the process was much more of a hassle than I expected or I could ever even imagine. Over the course of this week, I have been preparing to film. And once I finally start recording, I realize that I was too focused on the wrong things. I kept thinking about my props and settings but never about reaching the appropriate time limit. This was nothing compared to the 30-second music video, doing a whole minute was much more of a struggle. Only when I started filming I took these things into consideration. I learned for future projects I should plan out beforehand how long each clip should be based on the duration of the film. Like I mentioned in one of my past blo