Editing Blog for my Music Video

 Editing my music video required a little more effort than my other projects. This is because I use used different techniques to make my music video more complex. For example, I used this app called Videoleap and it creates a zoomed effect for specified scenes that I picked. I wanted to highlight the importance of the scene so my audience understands the story of the music video a little bit better. Additionally, I used this effect again and I added a tilt to make the scene more dramatic and show how desperate the character is to accomplish her goal. Furthermore, for the portion of the video where I wanted to cut in between scenes to show that the character is slowly losing her negative mindset. I edited this separately, before even putting the clips together as a whole. I did this by gathering the two separate footages and morphed them together. I made sure I turned down the saturation of the footage where the character was sad to really emphasize that she was. I added the spinning scene with the sad scenes as well to show the character's transition through her struggles with body image. The background resembles how she feels trapped in chaos and commotion. Also, she feels like she's right in the middle of it. The spinning scene was really hard for me to film because I felt really nauseous after a while but editing it was pretty easy. I just made sure to crop the video so you only see the parts when the character is spinning. 

Actually, there was a lot of cropping involved because I mess up the scene or broke character. Fortunately, cropping is a straightforward process, and I had no trouble doing it. But it is very time-consuming.  I recorded a lot of the same clips and had to choose between which is best. I am so indecisive so it was partially my fault that it took so long. Other than that, everything else was easy. I just had to place the scenes in the correct order and made sure they fit. 

This is the scene where I edited it to look like I slowly zoomed in.


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