Reflection Questions for My Muisc Video

  1.  How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? My product uses the conventions of an Alternative Pop Music Video by featuring a character in my music video that has nothing to do with myself. I used another persona of a girl who is very insecure and who isn't comfortable in her own skin. Melanie Martinez (the artist of my song) uses a persona in her music videos and she is known for using this persona.So I did the same in my music video to follow the genre's conventions.  Also, the color scheme of my music video was chosen based off of the conventions of a Melanie Martinez music video. She likes to use bright pastel colors and childish like objects and clothes in her music videos. I tried to incorporated things of that nature that's why you see the character eating bright colored foods, the white and light blue walls, and the pink shirt and blue skirt. Using these conventions in my music video was an attempt to have the same vibe Melanie Martinez's videos have. My product represents social issues by covering the topic of women struggling with body image. Society's body standards are highly unrealistic, there's not enough representation of a wide range of body types. We need more diverse representation of different body types so all girls over the world feel comfortable in their own skin and know that their perfect. My music video shows a girl who isn't comfortable in her own skin but soon starts to love herself due to her seeing more exposure of different body types. 
  2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? My product engages with audiences by having a solid story that follows a girl who struggles with body image. It will especially catch the eye of someone who relates or may have experienced these thoughts and feelings. For the ones who haven't experienced this, will be engaged because their curious and wants to know what others struggle with. When the audience watches this content they will want to know what happens next and if the girl will ever get over her struggles. This will be distributed as a real media through YouTube which it is posted on that site right now for anyone to see and view. 
  3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? My production skills developed throughout this project by using a new editing app that was easier to use and understand. I mainly like the app because it is straightforward. I learned how to crop and edit my video directly from my phone and upload it directly to the new app as well. I was impressed with myself when I found out how to get the whole song and make it the perfect duration. I downloaded the song from YouTube and I listened to parts I wanted in my music video. The song was originally 3 minutes and 38 seconds long but I cut it down into a minute. I mixed the parts of the song I wanted together and tried my best to make it sound as natural as possible. I'm happy I found a way to do this and it took less than 20 minutes. Also I used a new technique to edit my videos that I learned which I will be using in the future again because I liked the outcome. 
  4. How did you integrate technologies— software, hardware, and online — in this project? I integrated technologies in my project by first, using a new editing app called " VN Video Editor". This helped me edit and mix the song I downloaded from YouTube. This is also the app I used to edit my music video. Then for the "sad" scenes I turned down the saturation of the videos to give it that sad effect. Also, I used an app called "Videoleap" to zoom in to some of my shots. I made sure to crop and adjust every scene I recorded with this app and mix them all together as one. I overlayed the music on top of the full video making it complete. Then I used Google Drive to upload my Music Video so I have it on both of my devices. And finally, I uploaded my music video to YouTube. 


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