My Music Video

My music video is about a girl who struggles with body image and who is very insecure with herself. 
The girl eats oranges so she can achieve the  "ideal body type". This is alluded in the video by showing her computer screen with the google search of models. The girl featured in the video tends to look at herself in the mirror a lot and compares herself to these skinny models. In this music video it shows her daily struggle of feeling insecure about her body but also the journey she ventures through learning how to love herself. She searches up articles and ways to love herself and her body and thats when the process starts. The spinning scene shows that she feels stuck in the middle of chaos but its also the bridge of her becoming more confident with herself. The spinning scene is mixed with the scene of the girl eating the oranges because her main struggles in life is only eating oranges, its suppose to be a flashback. Then the audience gets a sequence of the girl continuing to struggle with body image. It shows her looking in the mirror again and lifting weights. This flashback was a time that she was very desperate and unhappy with herself in general. Moving past that horrible era in her life she gains some confidence. The next scene shows her throwing out her oranges. Which is a big step for the girl. It shows growth and maturity; she is finally starting to let go of her past. Lastly, the final scene is her eating the oranges once again. This is indeed a flash back because the darker scenes are the past and the brighter scenes are the present. In this last clip it flashes to her eating actual food that she enjoys and back to the flashback back and forth. In the end she is much happier now because she doesn't force herself to eat healthy. 

Overall a lot of changes went forth in making this video, but I'm satisfied with the outcome even if I didn't include all my planned ideas. Hopefully next time I can. 


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