Filming Blog for my Music Video (pt. 2)

 So I finally had the opportunity to film and at first, everything went wrong. I couldn't find adequate lighting, my phone kept falling off of my laptop (which I use as a stand to help me record), I was sweating in my outfit, and I was extremely tired that day. I had everything planned out and I was more than ready to film but the process was much more of a hassle than I expected or I could ever even imagine. Over the course of this week, I have been preparing to film. And once I finally start recording, I realize that I was too focused on the wrong things. I kept thinking about my props and settings but never about reaching the appropriate time limit. This was nothing compared to the 30-second music video, doing a whole minute was much more of a struggle. Only when I started filming I took these things into consideration. I learned for future projects I should plan out beforehand how long each clip should be based on the duration of the film.

Like I mentioned in one of my past blogs I was sadly correct with me having high expectations that I couldn't live up to. For example, I wanted to show the two characters at the end talking to each other and being happy to lighten up the mood. However it didn't work out, the cut between the two characters is so apparent. It's not a good look, the whole point is for the audience to realize I'm playing two separate characters. I decided that I might have to try to use this technique on another project when I have better editing skills. On the bright side, my cousin lent me her tripod, which I wish I knew she had sooner. This really came in handy and lucky me she helped me film some scenes as well. 

                         This is the scene that didn't make it into the music video 

                         because the editing didn't work out as planned 


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