Genre Decision Blog

At last, I finally decided on my genre for my opening sequence. Out of the many options of genres to pick from; my research helped me narrow it down to 3 genres. Those 3 genres are drama, comedy, and thriller. After engaging in this research I concluded that I did not want to do comedy. I was so fixated on thinking I wouldn't make a good comedy film. I enjoy a challenge but in doing so I want to have fun with it. I would much rather lean into a dignified opening sequence. I want to take this project seriously and use my creative freedom to my advantage. 

 So that left me with drama and thriller. I love films that fall underneath these two genres; this was a hard choice. I had to put personal preferences aside and pick what was best for the film. Based on the film's pitch, the thriller genre out beat drama by a longshot. So it's best to say, I decided to choose this genre solely based on my pitch.

Additionally, I debated on whether or not,  my film might fall underneath the horror genre. Although, I feel like my film won't be scary enough to be considered a horror film. For instance, it won't feature those classic chases in the woods, no blood, no screaming. My film will be more relatable and realistic. Especially, since it's coming from the point of view of a person who has imperfections as we all do. To follow her life throughout the movie, we could watch every little mistake she makes. This was ultimately the best decision because the thriller genre fits my pitch excellently. 


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