Production Blog: Filming Alone

 Continuing my journey of making my final task, I had to start filming. I use my phone to record my videos so you could imagine how hard it is to find a way to prop the phone without it falling. I would either need someone to record me or a tripod to ensure the phone won't fall. Recently those things were not available to me. Therefore, I had to improvise while I had the time. I sat down and differentiated between the scenes that I would have to do alone and the scenes I needed extra help with. This process was very tedious and time-consuming. Some scenes I was unsure of so I would have to film it myself as a test run. 

Most of the ones I tested out were shaking and blurry. I instantly knew that help would be needed immediately. Unfourtuanelty, when I record myself I can't see the screen. Either the camera would be crooked or it wasn't focused. There are so many factors that come into play with filming yourself. I'm better off with waiting until I get the tools I need. Afterward, things started to look up. I proceeded into recording a couple successful shots which I plan to use in my final task. 

Overall, I underestimated how much help I would need in doing this. Since I've been filming alone for the other projects I figured I would be fine. However, help is on the way soon so I'll stop stressing about it. After separating the scenes that I could do alone and the ones I had to do with help, it was time to prepare my setting. 


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