Genre Research: Comedy & Thriller


    In my opinion comedy movies are extremely hard to do. The whole point of the movie is to make your audience laugh. If the movie isn't funny, then the movie is bad. Since comedy movies are extremely subjective, the humor I put in my film might not interest some of my viewers. Comedies aren't easy to do so personally I wouldn't attempt to do it. Additionally, comedy movies do best with comedians in it, and I'm no comedian, not even close. I want to make a great movie and I want to do something that's more on my level. In simpler terms, I don't have the facilities to do comedy movies. Based on my pitch, my movie is nowhere near being a comedy. Comedy would be the last genre my film would fall under. Doing research on comedy films was fun because there's, a lot more that goes into these movies than you think. Even though these movies feature lighthearted characters and corny jokes every 5 seconds, every movie is created in the hopes of it becoming successful. Therefore there is hard work put in it no matter how much one might dislike it or might be too scared to attempt to make it.

On the other hand, thriller movies which are the complete opposite of comedy movies are hard to do as well. When people think of thriller movies their mind instantly goes to scary movies but that's not always the case. The purpose of thriller movies is to build suspense. So, yes horror movies might fall under the thriller genre but not all thrillers are considered horror films. Along with suspense, thriller movies have anticipation and excitement, the movies are very engaging. Thrillers are the type of movies where you want to yell at the screen as if the characters/actors could hear you. Those nail-biting moments where your fist clench and you cringe at the thought of what could happen next is how thriller movies should make you feel. Essentially thriller films give the audience a rush of excitement. Doing research on thriller movies gave me the realization that my pitch is like a thriller film. Overall, learning about thriller films is just as exciting as watching one.


  • Common CAMS: Close-up, point-of-view shot, over-the-shoulder shot, track, zoom, and pan.
  • Common CLAMPS: From casual clothes to superhero costumes, high-key lighting, the actors have to be lighthearted and funny, and the setting is subjective.
  • Common Editing: Fade-In and Fade-out, continuity system, reverse shot, and slow motion
  • Example films: "Shazam!", "The Wolf of Wall Street", "Dora and the Lost City of Gold", "Booksmart", and "Ocean's 8"
  • Common sound: Dialogue, Voiceover, Direct address, Incident music, Direct diegetic, and Non-diegetic.
  • What elements of the genre that you like?: Comedies are engaging and tend to break the fourth wall. They are exciting and entertaining; the audience is guaranteed to never be bored.
  • What elements of the genre do not appeal to you?: The movie focuses too much on making jokes rather than creating significant dialogue. Most comedies don't make me laugh and the jokes are immature or outdated. 



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