Genre Research: Drama


Before hand, I did extensive research on the drama genre. I did this in attempts of finding the perfect genre to use in my final draft. What's so cool about drama movies is that, many films fall under this genre. Moreover, conventions in drama movies are very broad. Movies that are considered action, adventure, or even comedy can also have drama aspects in it. The genre is just extremely broad and its so much you could do with it. The powerpoint attached is a project I did featuring common elements used in dramas. Not only did I have to research these common elements but I used my experience from watching movies from this genre to help me out. Naturally, I lean more into liking drama movies. So you could say I have some sort of bias toward this genre but I'm not sure if I want to use it. I think it wouldn't be the right genre for the type of movie I was planning to do. 
Dramas tend to focus on the dialogue because the storyline/plot has to be really dominant in these movies. I would like to add dialogue in my movie but I want to focus more on the cinematography and the how alone my character actually feels. There's multiple ways you could develop a plot without an abundance of dialogue. Certains facial expressions, body movements, and camera angles will help develop my plot. Especially with the use of music and ambient noise. The point is to not give too much away with words. Dialogue will be in the film but it'll be kept short. It should be noted, majority of the time she'll only be speaking to herself. At least for right now, I dont plan on using the drama genre but my mind could always change.


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