Genre research: Parasite

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? In thrillers, I've noticed characters will do anything in their power to put an end to the predicament they're currently in. This drives the audience to desperately want to see how far will the family go just to solve their minor problem that later turns major. Similar to this movie, in my final task, the main character will be motivated to do anything in her will to satisfy her wants and needs. 

Also in thrillers, a lot of aspects of realism are used. The family in the movie and the girl in my final task only want happiness like any other human being deserves. This realistic ideal makes it easier to relate and empathize with characters cause they have some humanity left in them. 

Moreover, this movie can make any viewer anxious. Not only is the audience anxious but so is the family featured in the movie. In my final project, hopefully, I can achieve this through acting and sound effects. My viewers have to feel the tension. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?  There was a lot of tension as the rising action slowly unravels. For example, the scene when the family is in the house pretending like the home is their own is nerve-racking. The family that actually owns the home could walk in at any moment and catch them in the act. The viewer carries a lot of weight on their shoulders because the family is careless and the ambiance makes it seem like something unexpected will happen next. That's the beauty in thriller movies. There has to be some type of suspense that leads to moments that arent extremely predictable. To worry about characters that could possibly put themselves into more trouble is stressful. It's amazing how the movie made the audience feel so on edge. 

Subsequently, the ending was satisfying because it flawlessly wrapped up the story to a close. The movie ends by giving the audience closure on all the action that took place. In thriller movies, the best thing to do is to leave your audience contempt after seeing the ending. Also, the ending has to make sense based on the theme and/or representation in the movie. The ending for this movie was adequate based on these aspects. 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? The acting wasn't the greatest, in my opinion, it felt like something was missing from it. I wanted more from the characters but maybe the underwhelming acting was intentional. The characters are representing average people that exist in today's world. Thrillers always have realistic portrayals that the viewer can relate to or notice from familiarities of real-life experiences. 


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