Title Research: Zodiac


 This is from the website "Art of the Title": www.artofthetitle.com

  1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The name of the actors. The directors and producers.
  2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening sequence is showing the life of the apparent, main character. Also, his surroundings so the view of the city and where he works. We get a good view of the office.
  3. What connotations do these images carry? We see that he's a dad and that he's pretty content with his job. Although, he seems like he doesn't have any friends. This is a neutral connotation.
  4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? Thriller movies keep the audience guessing. I assume things like where he works and what city he resides in, are significant to the plot. Maybe a little bit of foreshadowing. 
  5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The movie is starting off pretty calm and it introduces the character and his average life. The audience will immediately expect it gets better from there. The movie does a good job grasping the attention of your average viewer by incorporating some humor with the father and son duo.
  6. How has technology been used effectively?  The wide-angle showing the office and him walking alone, hints that he doesn't have friends or maybe that he's new to his job. The text fades into the zodiac coding language, which means the movie is about the late zodiac killer. The transitions between each scene are so seamless that it was hard to point them out until it's too late. 


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