Filming & Editing Blog: Getting Started

Before I start to film or edit, I have to get a few things into order. For example, I don't have all my props yet. The props I still need are a calendar, a cake, and headphones. In order to get these things, I had to ask my Dad if could he take me to the store. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to go to the store yet but my Dad said we could go tomorrow. As soon as I buy my calendar I'll get straight to work. I'll mark it appropriately based on each individual scene and record it. I want to get everything out of the way so I could finish in time and not feel too rushed with everything. This is such a big important project and all the weight is on my shoulders because I feel pressured to make it perfect.  Without any help, this project has been a challenge but I won't let that get to me. Additionally, when I get the cake I will record all the scenes that involve it as soon as possible. Buying this cake is a win-win situation, I need it for my project and also when I'm done with it, I can eat it! Moreover, I'm not buying the headphones, I'll just borrow my Dad's. The only headphones I have are AirPods and that's not the look I'm going for in my project. So, I asked my Dad for his headphones and he also said I could use them. The headphones will give the perfect aesthetic for my project rather than the modern AirPods that I have.

Afterward, I asked my cousin if she didn't mind helping me film. I figured she wouldn't mind since she helped me film my music video project. And sure enough, she is more than happy to help. So now I have someone to film for me. She even suggested that I should borrow her tripod and I agreed. I borrowed it once before but this time it never crossed my mind to ask for it. I'm so happy she offered it, she's a true lifesaver.

Last but not least, I started to film minor scenes. Things like the bed, window, and some shots of my room. I have a feeling a lot of these scenes that I recorded today will not be in the final task. I recorded them with the intent of having a backup, just in case some scenes felt like its missing something. Now I can officially start recording since I got all of that out of the way. 


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