My Pitch

 First Pitch

 A girl wakes up from a frightening vivid dream. Flashbacks of the dreams haunt her throughout the day. The strange part about it is that the dream feels like deja vu. The girl goes on a journey to find the meaning behind her concerning dream through clues and hints the dream provides. What could this alternative version of her life possibly want? And why does it occur through a dream?

Second Pitch

A depressed teen girl feels as if she's reliving the same day every day over and over again. She's bored of her average mediocre life and wants to finally feel some sort of excitement and thrill. The trapped teen makes a wish for happiness on her birthday and it seemingly doesn't come true. Until she wakes up the next day, feeling happy and excited for once... but at what cost? 

   The first pitch would be fun to do because it has aspects of mystery and drama in it. However, it won't be straightforward enough for the viewer. The concept is great but needs time to build up. The story will fall flat if the plot is revealed in the first two minutes. Doing a movie based on the second pitch is more ideal because the second pitch gets straight to the point. The viewer can quickly pick up on the moments that reference the plot through foreshadowing. Also, the story is easier to do because it's relatable. The first pitch isn't as well thought of as the second. There are many things that could go wrong with the choice of the first pitch; imminently creating unwanted plot holes. Overall, I believe the second pitch would be in my best interest because it is straightforward and relatable.


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