Starting the Final Task

    I am Jayla Darden and I am a 17-year-old junior in high school. I like to try new things to find a hobby I love. In other words, I don't have any hobbies that I can say I truly like. There's a lot of things I've experimented with. For instance, with sports, I tried basketball. In the arts, I tried singing and drawing but I'm not necessarily passionate about those things. They're fun to do but I get bored of them and I'm not the best at it. So, I naturally shy away from finding a hobby I'm passionate about most times. With school and managing my grades, I tend to focus on that more. On that note, for my Final Task project, I've been debating with myself. I'm not sure how I will execute it. Now, I finally have a plan after deep considerations. I'm so excited to start; I just know it will come out astounding. For my project, I will be working alone because of the pandemic but it's satisfactory. Working alone helps me to work faster and concentrate easier. There are hardly any distractions when you work alone. Although I'm sure if the pandemic is over,  I could work with others. The final task seems fun to do with classmates simply because two heads are better than one. However, I assure you I will put my absolute best effort into this project. I won't let any of you down!


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