Title Research: The Silence of the Lambs

 This is from the website "Art of the Title": www.artofthetitle.com

  1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The titles displayed are the title of the movie. The actors who play in the movie. The directors and who made the music for this movie.
  2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images/view of the woods and the FBI headquarters is prioritized. Clarice is seen running as well as training for her job so which alludes to her being in the FBI.
  3. What connotations do these images carry? The connotations are the lack of light and being lost. The woods are seen as creepy and mysterious.  
  4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The woods are setting the eerie and creepy atmosphere. On the website, it says, "a tone of almost mythological terror is suggested" meaning the purpose of this is to allow the audience to feel crept put by the opening sequence.
  5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The lead of the movie is a woman so it provides a new lead that will attract a new type of audience. For instance, women could relate closely to her. On the website, it says, "it is her experiences as a woman which dictate the narrative path of the film." In her being a woman made the film what it is today, targeting all different types of people no matter what gender. 
  6. How has technology been used effectively? The text for the title sequence is black and outlined white. The letters are crooked and arent aligned properly. This gives the credits "subtly inconsistent kerning and placement." The wide-angle of Clarice in the elevator was the opportunity for the audience to see how small she is compared to her coworkers. She seems confident enough to work there amongst men who are much bigger than her. This alludes to how brave she is. 


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