Planning for the Final Task: Location, Participants, Health, and Schedule


I will be filming at my house and different areas inside my house. The majority of the time I will be filming in my bedroom. 

Actors: Jayla Darden 
Filiming: Jayla Darden
Editing: Jayla Darden
Directing: Jayla Darden
Safety Team: Charrick Darden (my father) & Velma Tennyson 

Health & Safety
In order to ensure my safety, my Father and Grandmother have volunteered to act as a "safety team". They will provide extreme supervision with access to a phone that can dial 911 and a first aid kit. 
In the scene when the main character is blowing out the candles, the safety team will light the candles and make sure they go out safely. 
Moreover, because of COVID-19, I will be filming in my house only so I won't be in contact with anyone except my family members. If I decided somewhere outside of my home my mask will be on at all times until I'm isolated from the public. Then, I will remove my mask and film safely. 


March 4, 2021- March 6, 2021: The filming process will start immediately. I will pace myself ensuring every scene is perfect. The voice-over narration will also be recorded. I will take note of my experience editing and filming to incorporated it into my blogs. 
March 6, 2021- March 10, 2021: I will begin editing the clips. This includes cropping the videos and color-correcting them. The title design will also be created during this process. 
March 10, 2021- March 15, 2021: The final task should be complete by now but the finishing touches will be incorporated into the film and any movie mistakes will be corrected. The reflection questions will be completed lastly and the notes that I made during the filming process will be incorporated into my reflection. 


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