Production Blog: Back to School

During my week-long break, I did almost everything. From relaxing and reading to practicing my driving skills and studying for upcoming tests. I accomplished many things over the break which I'm indeed proud of. These things that I did were very beneficial on my part and I don't regret doing them. Even if it meant that I didn't get to record all the scenes that I desired to. 

I already knew beforehand that there was a chance this would happen. I had high expectations for myself and I knew it was possible to fulfill them. However, in the end, I only managed to record a few scenes. Despite this discouraging news, I believe it's not that much of a big deal because I have a lot of time to finish. Technically if I didn't record at all over the break I still would have enough time to record and edit my opening sequence. So I'm glad I'm one step closer to being finished with my project. Now, being back at school means I would have to work around, my busy schedule. Luckily I always manage to get my work done. So whatever happens I'll find a way to complete my project no matter what it takes. 

Moreover, during my break, I had a lot of free time to do a lot of things that I love. Along with the things I already mentioned, I also watched a new movie. It was a thriller film and it was really good. Watching this movie gave me more inspiration for my opening sequence. I love the use of the elements of a thriller in the movie. It was so amazing that I hope I could make something remotely as good with my opening sequence. 


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