Production Blog: Filming During The Break

 Previously, I discussed how I recorded two scenes I needed for the final task. I managed to start editing those scenes as well but I never finished. So, this week I continued that editing process. I did anything that I was too tired to do last week. Now that I'm done editing those scenes, my main goal is to record the rest. I don't want to rush anything so I won't record everything in a day but I plan to record the majority of my final task over my break.

Today is the start of spring break. Which is a whole week off with no school. Meaning I'm free from homework and my schedule is no longer busy. Of course I'll use this break to relax and prepare for the fourth quarter but I have one more idea in mind. I will take this break to my advantage and use it to start filming again. I want to film scenes that are more prominent than the others. Which are the ones that I know have to be in the opening sequence. This also applies to scenes that I know I normally wouldn't have time to shoot on a regular school day. These scenes will probably take up most of my day.  And maybe like last time I'll get tired and want to rest for the remainder of the day. I'm not entirely sure yet but I hope I have the upmost energy to film all that I can. However, like I said before I don't want to rush anything. Good pacing is one of the most important qualities in a movie. If I rush trying to make my opening sequence, imagine how rushed it'll feel to the viewer. I'm not too worried about how everything will play out because I'm sure I'll make the best decision no matter what.

As of right now that's my plan but I'm sure it could always change. Whatever changes need to be made will be made and what ever problems I'll have will be solved. Hopefully everything goes to plan and nothing comes up. Even so, I can work around it and find a way to still film. 


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