Production Blog: The Filming Process Coming To A Close


This marks the day before the last of my filming process. I have so much footage to a point where I think I might run out of storage on my phone very soon. I recorded a lot of duplicates of the same scenes. In doing so I have the opportunity to pick the footage that fits my opening sequence best. This gives me a lot of flexibility and when my opening sequence is all put together I can always switch out the scenes for one of its duplicates. 

Also, I've noticed that I portray the same emotion in different ways, which is understandable. I want to try my best at making my message clear to my audience. Besides my questionable acting, the music will help the audience feel the emotion I want to cast on them. Particularly, emotion is up to interpretation so I'm not too worried about it. It should be noted, that I will receive feedback from my family viewing my opening sequence. Their input will further help me improve my work. I just have to make sure they're being brutally honest with me. They tend to stray away from the truth so my feelings don't get hurt. Nevertheless, the whole point of my opening sequence is to foreshadow the plot and get a feel for what the rest of the movie might be like. I sincerely hope they will notice this. With all the hard work and effort I put into it I just know it'll pay off. 

So filming has been a wonderful adventure and I'm glad everything was organized and worked out for the better. Even with the up and downs that occurred, I made significant progress. Apart from this, I assure you that my next will be all about my editing process. Since my past few blogs have been about me filming. Now I shall conquer the editing process! 


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