
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filming Blog for my Music Video

 Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to film yet because of the Thanksgiving Break. During my break, I was occupied with family-oriented things and I haven't really thought of school. It was refreshing having those days off and spending time with my family. However, I will say today, officially the first day after the break ended; before I started this very blog, I organized more of my ideas of my plan for the music video. I've been jotting down ideas and inspiration for ideas that I might want to use in my project. I write this all down in my notes app on my phone. It includes reminders and tips I need for my project as well. I failed to mention this but I did the same in my commercial project, I jotted down all my new ideas and tips in the notes app. Most of the things on my notes are unrealistic expectations especially since I'm doing the project alone and I'm assuming I cant do but I''ll still attempt to try. When filming I will need it to be a

Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

  SCENE 1:   In my music video I plan on playing 2 separate characters. The first character will be a girl struggling with body image. She will be looking at women with the "ideal" body type on her laptop. SCENE 2:  The first character introduced, will be eating an orange in this scene, which is a very important part of the Music Video. Later the audience will see this is the only food she eats.  SCENE 3: The second character in the MV is the girl's friend, and she peeks in to see her sad friend, the second character wears a face filled with worries.  SCENE 4: The first character in this scene looks in the mirror and grabs at her skin, she's insecure with her body. She is comparing it to the "ideal" body type. SCENE 5: The friend comes in to comfort her and assures her that her body is perfect the way it is. In this scene, the laptop will show women with different body types. LYRICS: "your body is imperfectly perfect, everyone wants with the other o

Planning for my Music Video

Song Title: Orange Juice by Melanie Martinez Props: Oranges, Fisheye Lens, Fan, Laptop, and Mirror. Costumes: The clothes will be casual so it won't take attention away from the music video but the colors will be light and pastel, resembling Melanie Martinez's actual music videos. Schedule:  - November 13, 2020, my Introduction Blog was created and then I started to conduct research on the conventions of my music video's genre. - November 17, 2020, my research is finally done and I start to plan out how I want my music video to look like for the final product.  - November 19, 2020, I will start my storyboard by drawing out how I want each scene in my music video to look like.  - November 20, 2020, After having a clear idea and guideline on how my music video should look like, I will start to film.  - November 21 - 29, 2020 I will write down my experiences filming along with all the ups and downs and later use this as a reference to make my filming blog.  - November 30, 20

Research blog: Music Video Conventions

The genre of the song I choose is called Alternative Pop. It opposes what mainstream pop sounds like but uses the elements of a pop song like singing instead of rapping. However, it's not conventional and it doesn't adhere to any audience like a regular pop song would. Melanie Martinez's music is very experimental, she uses hip-hop trap beats, electric guitar riffs, and upbeat sound effects in her songs.     Although Melanie uses these elements that are derived from different music genres, t he music overlayed with her knockout voice guides more to the pop genre. The music is considered "alternative" because it's distinctive. In general alternative pop music videos are usually really creative and don't follow a certain protocol. Every individual artist that sticks to this genre has their own personal theme. So with that, her music videos are subjective. She and a couple more alternative pop artists like to use a persona in their music videos. This featured

Introduction to the Music Video Project

 My next experience will be shooting the Music Video Project, which I'm very eager for. For this project, I will be working alone because of the pandemic that's occurring at the moment. But it's not necessarily a bad thing, I'm a great independent worker. I'm more of the introverted anti-social type and I'm not great with expressing my ideas with others. For this reason, I want to acknowledge that I plan to work on my communication skills. I know having those skills will help significantly in the real world. With that being said, I'm sure one could guess that I'm not dominant when working on a group project. However, if I work alone I could express my ideas to its full capability. I know exactly what I want to do and no one can doubt or exclude my ideas. Nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt working with someone else because two heads are better than one. Maybe my ideas aren't as good and creative as I might think. so another person would be beneficial

Creative Critical Reflection: Commercial

 1.) How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?  My product uses the conventions of a classic skincare commercial by setting that mood of a bright happy environment to convey the message of if the person in the commercial is happy so should the consumer be. This is why the subject in the commercial is smiling and has a lot of energy into everything she says. Additionally, the commercial had incorporated a slogan so the audience is more convinced to buy the product and to better remember it. I described the benefits of the product and I gave a close up of the product for the audience to resemble other skin care commercials. The purpose is to display the product in a positive light and persuade the audience to buy the product. Describing the benefits of the product directly targets a specific audience and gives that audience all the more reason to buy the product. The product represents social groups by specifically addressing pe

CeraVe Commercial

(I've uploaded the video using two different methods just in case one method doesn't work.) My journey of making my first official AICE Media project has finally come to a close. From here on, I know what to expect; and this is definitely a class I have to work my hardest on. Doing this project was just a taste of what I have to do next and I'm prepared for it. With this project, I guarantee I tried my absolute best. Additionally, I want to acknowledge that I will improve my skills as well. I understand I could have made the commercial have a cooler storyline or made it slightly more entertaining. However, I wanted to follow the conventions of a skincare ad and usually, those types of things don't happen. I know for next time I should do my project however I want, creativity is key. I want to entertain my audience so they enjoy watching. I'll continue to improve by finding new techniques on how to accomplish this. (Perhaps more research could help). Also, I did a de

Editing Blog: The experience of editing

 I did a lot of research going into this project and believe it or not, I found zero websites on how to make an advertisement/commercial on a skincare product. The chances of me finding that website would have been the guidance I needed to make this commercial perfection. Unfortunately, I didn't find it but I decided on another method. I sat down and watched various skincare ads and noted the reoccurring themes it had. I also kept in mind what I was influenced by in the ads and what I could attempt to do in my own ad. So the journey began, and sooner or later I started to film and that was very challenging for me. I thought to myself since filming was so hard editing may be the easy part, but spoiler alert, there is no easy parts, editing was just as challenging.  Although Google brought me no luck in finding the information I needed to make my commercial, Youtube really was beneficial. Jumping into editing I didn't take into consideration a lot of things. For example, I didn&#

Filming in my loud house

 The filming process for my commercial advertisement was somewhat hectic for me. For the first couple of scenes, I filmed in my room. That day I had unexpected guests and usually, my house guest is obnoxiously loud. This event forced me to postpone my filming up until they left. After what felt like an hour or two they did. And this was my signal to start filming. In order to film, I needed to prop my phone up and I had the ingenious idea to get my nightstand and place my opened laptop on top of it. Then I would lean my phone on my laptop. At first, this idea seemed brilliant. The filming process was going so smoothly until my phone kept tipping over. The balance the phone had on the computer wasn't reliable. But this is what I had to work with and I made it work! On top of that, filming my next scene gave me even more problems. In this scene, I had to incorporate a mirror and a tv. Those props were needed to create a beautiful background for the product to model alongside with. Th