
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog: Back to School

During my week-long break, I did almost everything. From relaxing and reading to practicing my driving skills and studying for upcoming tests. I accomplished many things over the break which I'm indeed proud of. These things that I did were very beneficial on my part and I don't regret doing them. Even if it meant that I didn't get to record all the scenes that I desired to.  I already knew beforehand that there was a chance this would happen. I had high expectations for myself and I knew it was possible to fulfill them. However, in the end, I only managed to record a few scenes. Despite this discouraging news, I believe it's not that much of a big deal because I have a lot of time to finish. Technically if I didn't record at all over the break I still would have enough time to record and edit my opening sequence. So I'm glad I'm one step closer to being finished with my project. Now, being back at school means I would have to work around, my busy schedule.

Production Blog: Filming During The Break

 Previously, I discussed how I recorded two scenes I needed for the final task. I managed to start editing those scenes as well but I never finished. So, this week I continued that editing process. I did anything that I was too tired to do last week. Now that I'm done editing those scenes, my main goal is to record the rest. I don't want to rush anything so I won't record everything in a day but I plan to record the majority of my final task over my break. Today is the start of spring break. Which is a whole week off with no school. Meaning I'm free from homework and my schedule is no longer busy. Of course I'll use this break to relax and prepare for the fourth quarter but I have one more idea in mind. I will take this break to my advantage and use it to start filming again. I want to film scenes that are more prominent than the others. Which are the ones that I know have to be in the opening sequence. This also applies to scenes that I know I normally wouldn't

Production Blog: Starting to Film

      The previous Saturday, I found myself bored. All my friends were busy, nothing on my phone entertained me, and I completed all my homework. I was in a space where I didn't know what to do. I was so desperate to be occupied that I would practically do anything, even chores. After complaining about having nothing to do, I sat there and I thought to myself. Then, that's when I asked myself, "shouldn't you start filming?" At that exact moment, my boredom quickly left. Filming is usually fun and very time-consuming. Therefore in doing so I will be occupied. My boring weekend suddenly started to get interesting by the second.  Since my cousin who was originally going to help me wasn't at my house I asked my mom to help. My mom is not the most tech-savvy person so I had to show her the ropes. I had a clear vision of which camera angles I wanted to use and the pacing of each scene so I specified this all to her. At first, she was having difficulties but after a

Production Blog: Prepping My Setting

 The clock is ticking! I was getting closer and closer to start filming. There's no rush but I knew I wanted to start as soon as possible. I had to make the necessary preparations in order to start. In my previous blogs, I went over all the things I did and what lengths I went to just to be prepared for this.  Although, the whole process of getting ready to film has been tedious. I really enjoy setting up to prepare for something great. I love seeing everything come together after all the hard work I do. What helps me during my process is playing all my scenes through my head. It motivates me to keep on pushing forward because this will all be worth it at the end. Therefore, I got up and I got to work. Prepping my setting was a very important step that I'm glad I did not skip.  Prepping my setting meant cleaning my room. So my bed, my desk, my floor, so on so, forth. This didn't take me long to do. I also picked out my outfits for each of my scenes. So pajamas and casual cl

Production Blog: Filming Alone

 Continuing my journey of making my final task, I had to start filming. I use my phone to record my videos so you could imagine how hard it is to find a way to prop the phone without it falling. I would either need someone to record me or a tripod to ensure the phone won't fall. Recently those things were not available to me. Therefore, I had to improvise while I had the time. I sat down and differentiated between the scenes that I would have to do alone and the scenes I needed extra help with. This process was very tedious and time-consuming. Some scenes I was unsure of so I would have to film it myself as a test run.  Most of the ones I tested out were shaking and blurry. I instantly knew that help would be needed immediately. Unfourtuanelty, when I record myself I can't see the screen. Either the camera would be crooked or it wasn't focused. There are so many factors that come into play with filming yourself. I'm better off with waiting until I get the tools I need.

Filming & Editing Blog: Getting Started

Before I start to film or edit, I have to get a few things into order. For example, I don't have all my props yet. The props I still need are a calendar, a cake, and headphones. In order to get these things, I had to ask my Dad if could he take me to the store. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to go to the store yet but my Dad said we could go tomorrow. As soon as I buy my calendar I'll get straight to work. I'll mark it appropriately based on each individual scene and record it. I want to get everything out of the way so I could finish in time and not feel too rushed with everything. This is such a big important project and all the weight is on my shoulders because I feel pressured to make it perfect.  Without any help, this project has been a challenge but I won't let that get to me. Additionally, when I get the cake I will record all the scenes that involve it as soon as possible. Buying this cake is a win-win situation, I need it for my project and a

Planning for the Final Task: Storyboard

The storyboards are one of the hardest things to do in this class. This is because I have a clear idea of how I want things to work out beforehand. I already wrote down my story in my notes and made an outline of it. It's easy to write down what you want and jot down ideas of what you want but to draw them is a whole different thing. Especially if drawing isn't your expertise. It could be frustrating at times because the drawing won't come out exactly how you picture the scene. I don't want to confuse myself or anyone who views my storyboards. Also, there are so many scenes meaning there's a lot to draw. Things may not remain consistent if one's mind is focused on drawing all these scenes. I worry that my storyboard isn't in order because I tend to be very indecisive. So I want to use my storyboard as a reference guide to creating my final task project but I fear it won't be similar to my final outcome. Hopefully this is okay and the change will bring ou

Planning for the Final Task: Title Design

Font: For every title card the font will be the same so it remains consistent. I will be using a font that matches my theme. Usually, in thrillers, the font is either really simple or has a scary feel to it.  Contrast: I will make my title lighter than the background images so the audience can read it easily. In my example, it is not shown this way but I will adjust it later on.  Size: The title will appear in bold font and big enough for the audience to read.  Spacing: There will be spacing in between the letters also for the audience to read better.  Working title: The title of the movie is "Trapped" or "Imprisoned". I choose this title for now because it describes how the character feels. How will the titles enter the screen? The titles will pop up on a new scene and then fade away.  How long will each title be before it disappears? Each title will be 3-5 seconds because it's fast-paced. This ensures the audience will get immersed.  All titles will be

Planning for Final Task: Scripts

 Dialogue & Sound Script  Scene 1:  No dialogue ... then suddenly alarm rings.. *faintly sighs* Scene 2:   Teacher: " Today class we are going to get started on chapter 5..."   M/C:    "Everday feels like the same day over and over again... I'm tired, I'm lonely, I'm sad"  Scene 3: M/C: " I just want to feel something for once. To not be bored with life." *fast-paced music* Scene 4: M/C: "But now things are finally going to change"  Sister: " We're about to do the cake soon- what are you doing?" *music cuts off*  M/C: "Oh my god! Get out!" Sister: "Sorry just hurry up"   M/C: "Alright, Alright" Sister: "Oh yeah and Happy Birthday by the way" Scene 5: *music plays faintly through headphones* No dialogue Scene 6: *family singing happy birthday*...  Sister: "make a wish"  *music intensifies* Voiceover: "I wish-" Scene 7: *intense music* no dialogue  Scene 8

Planning for the Final Task: Location, Participants, Health, and Schedule

 Location  I will be filming at my house and different areas inside my house. The majority of the time I will be filming in my bedroom.  Participants Actors: Jayla Darden  Filiming: Jayla Darden Editing:  Jayla Darden Directing : Jayla Darden Safety Team: Charrick Darden (my father) & Velma Tennyson  Health & Safety In order to ensure my safety, my Father and Grandmother have volunteered to act as a "safety team". They will provide extreme supervision with access to a phone that can dial 911 and a first aid kit.  In the scene when the main character is blowing out the candles, the safety team will light the candles and make sure they go out safely.  Moreover, because of COVID-19, I will be filming in my house only so I won't be in contact with anyone except my family members. If I decided somewhere outside of my home my mask will be on at all times until I'm isolated from the public. Then, I will remove my mask and film safely.  Schedule  March 4, 2021- March