
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Split

 This is from the website "Art of the Title": What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? Production companies, name of the actors, the film creator, costume designers, etc. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The opening sequence switches from the place the kidnapped girl is and the title screen.  What connotations do these images carry? The face-paced cutting between each scene is getting the audience immersed and prepared for what could possibly happen next.  How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?  Non-diegetic sound is increasing the anxiousness one might feel watching this.  What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?  Since there are kidnapped girls the audience is sure to watch them try to escape or be tortured. Also the dim lighting and stereotypical creepy man.  How has technology been used effectively?  The unfocused camera is a reflection of how the gi

Title Research: Zodiac

   This is from the website "Art of the Title": What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The name of the actors. The directors and producers. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening sequence is showing the life of the apparent, main character. Also, his surroundings so the view of the city and where he works. We get a good view of the office. What connotations do these images carry? We see that he's a dad and that he's pretty content with his job. Although, he seems like he doesn't have any friends. This is a neutral connotation. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? Thriller movies keep the audience guessing. I assume things like where he works and what city he resides in, are significant to the plot. Maybe a little bit of foreshadowing.  What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The movie is starting off pretty calm and it introduces t

Title Research: The Invisible Man

 This is from the website "Art of the Title": What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? "Universal Pictures Presents"  " A BH/ GOALPOST PRODUCTION" "IN ASSOCIATION WITH NERVOUS TICK PRODUCTIONS" "THE INVISIBLE MAN"  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The image is the bottom of a cliff. There are waves crashing on a rock that reveals the movie titles. These are the opening production credits. What connotations do these images carry? The loud noises of the waves crashing against the rock is scary because that means the waters aren't calm. When the ocean is like this it's extremely dangerous. The title sequences have negative connotations.  How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The sound of the waves paired with the dark sky is alluding to the fact that something bad will happen. By the title, the main character might be in unknown danger. This w

Title Research: The Silence of the Lambs

 This is from the website "Art of the Title": What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The titles displayed are the title of the movie. The actors who play in the movie. The directors and who made the music for this movie. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images/view of the woods and the FBI headquarters is prioritized. Clarice is seen running as well as training for her job so which alludes to her being in the FBI. What connotations do these images carry? The connotations are the lack of light and being lost. The woods are seen as creepy and mysterious.   How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The woods are setting the eerie and creepy atmosphere. On the website, it says,  " a tone of almost mythological terror is suggested" meaning the purpose of this is to allow the audience to feel crept put by the opening sequence. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

  The layout of this website is more crowded than the other. However, this is fine because with a simple scroll there's the feature films button. If you proceeded to scroll further without clicking the "feature film" button there are other options of titles to see. There are video game titles and tv show titles, etc so this site covers more than just films. Furthermore, I looked through the feature film titles and I see lesser-known films/films that are rated low and international films as well. I tried searching for titles of modern movies I knew and I didn't find any. The movies on this website are relatively older so I skimmed through the ones I recognized. I noticed there are also summaries for these title sequences on the website. It's all very detailed and specific. The site shows you a plethora of sources, credits, and background information about the movies. 

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

  The layout of this website is simple and easy. This straightforward website is amazing because everything is so easy to access. Not only does it show the movie's title sequence but also a summary of it.  The summaries explain why the font is a certain way and the significance to background images, etc. Moreover, background information about the movie is available. This website benefited my research significantly, it was very helpful. I took notes on my favorite title sequences and I will incorporate them into my own. Additionally, I noticed there's an option to search up the specific title sequence you're looking for as well. Next to the search bar are two dropboxes and when you click on them there are many options in regards to "title sequences" and "designers + studios". Overall, it's apparent the website has a lot of features that you could use to spend all day on.

Genre research: Super Dark Times

What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?  I took a lot of inspiration from this film since it follows the lives of teenagers and my final task will be based on a teen girl. So watching this film, I've learned that teens act on impulses and make poor decisions because of their age. However, in thriller films, this is usually the case no matter what the age is. The characters are always complex and seeking revenge or a way to solve their problems. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?  There's a specific scene that really grabs the viewers' attention. It's alarming and nail-biting as you watch the situation escalate further and further. That scene alone raised my expectations for the movie extremely high. The chain of bad events left to right had me on my toes. The scene was very harrowing, it felt like the perfect example of a true thriller film.  Conversely, the beginning of the movie did not feel

Genre research: Parasite

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?  In thrillers, I've noticed characters will do anything in their power to put an end to the predicament they're currently in. This drives the audience to desperately want to see how far will the family go just to solve their minor problem that later turns major. Similar to this movie, in my final task, the main character will be motivated to do anything in her will to satisfy her wants and needs.  Also in thrillers, a lot of aspects of realism are used. The family in the movie and the girl in my final task only want happiness like any other human being deserves. This realistic ideal makes it easier to relate and empathize with characters cause they have some humanity left in them.  Moreover, this movie can make any viewer anxious. Not only is the audience anxious but so is the family featured in the movie. In my final project, hopefully, I can achieve this through acting and sound effect

Genre research: Prisoners

What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?  In this movie when the plot thickens, it did a great job of keeping the audience at the edge of their seats. In my final task, I will try to make my audience get this same feeling of anxiousness. I achieve for them to wonder what will happen next. Also, the movie is immersive in the sense of making the audience feel angry at the characters. If the events happening in the movie doesn't go ideally, the audience will possibly be frustrated. However, they continue to watch in hopes that this outcome can change. In my final task, I want my audience to have that emotional connection to the film whether their reaction is anger or sympathy.   What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?  This movie has a kidnapping which is a common element for a crime thriller film. There is a plot twist when the threat is revealed so the audience gets a taste of amazement or satisfaction if they gu

Genre Decision Blog

At last, I finally decided on my genre for my opening sequence. Out of the many options of genres to pick from; my research helped me narrow it down to 3 genres. Those 3 genres are drama, comedy, and thriller. After engaging in this research I concluded that I did not want to do comedy. I was so fixated on thinking I wouldn't make a good comedy film. I enjoy a challenge but in doing so I want to have fun with it. I would much rather lean into a dignified opening sequence. I want to take this project seriously and use my creative freedom to my advantage.   So that left me with drama and thriller. I love films that fall underneath these two genres; this was a hard choice. I had to put personal preferences aside and pick what was best for the film. Based on the film's pitch, the thriller genre out beat drama by a longshot. So it's best to say, I decided to choose this genre solely based on my pitch. Additionally, I debated on whether or not,  my film might fall underneath the

Genre Research: Comedy & Thriller

      In my opinion comedy movies are extremely hard to do. The whole point of the movie is to make your audience laugh. If the movie isn't funny, then the movie is bad. Since comedy movies are extremely subjective, the humor I put in my film might not interest some of my viewers. Comedies aren't easy to do so personally I wouldn't attempt to do it. Additionally, comedy movies do best with comedians in it, and I'm no comedian, not even close. I want to make a great movie and I want to do something that's more on my level. In simpler terms, I don't have the facilities to do comedy movies. Based on my pitch, my movie is nowhere near being a comedy. Comedy would be the last genre my film would fall under. Doing research on comedy films was fun because there's, a lot more that goes into these movies than you think. Even though these movies feature lighthearted characters and corny jokes every 5 seconds, every movie is created in the hopes of it becoming successf

Genre Research: Drama

  Before hand, I did extensive research on the drama genre. I did this in attempts of finding the perfect genre to use in my final draft. What's so cool about drama movies is that, many films fall under this genre. Moreover, conventions in drama movies are very broad. Movies that are considered action, adventure, or even comedy can also have drama aspects in it. The genre is just extremely broad and its so much you could do with it. The powerpoint attached is a project I did featuring common elements used in dramas. Not only did I have to research these common elements but I used my experience from watching movies from this genre to help me out. Naturally, I lean more into liking drama movies. So you could say I have some sort of bias toward this genre but I'm not sure if I want to use it. I think it wouldn't be the right genre for the type of movie I was planning to do.  Dramas tend to focus on the dialogue because the storyline/plot has to be really dominant in these movi

My Pitch

 First Pitch  A girl wakes up from a frightening vivid dream. Flashbacks of the dreams haunt her throughout the day. The strange part about it is that the dream feels like deja vu. The girl goes on a journey to find the meaning behind her concerning dream through clues and hints the dream provides. What could this alternative version of her life possibly want? And why does it occur through a dream? Second Pitch A depressed teen girl feels as if she's reliving the same day every day over and over again.  She's bored of her average mediocre life and wants to finally feel some sort of excitement and thrill. The trapped teen makes a wish for happiness on her birthday and it seemingly doesn't come true. Until she wakes up the next day, feeling happy and excited for once... but at what cost?     The first pitch would be fun to do because it has aspects of mystery and drama in it. However, it won't be straightforward enough for the viewer. The concept is great but needs time t

Starting the Final Task

    I am Jayla Darden and I am a 17-year-old junior in high school. I like to try new things to find a hobby I love. In other words, I don't have any hobbies that I can say I truly like. There's a lot of things I've experimented with. For instance, with sports, I tried basketball. In the arts, I tried singing and drawing but I'm not necessarily passionate about those things. They're fun to do but I get bored of them and I'm not the best at it. So, I naturally shy away from finding a hobby I'm passionate about most times. With school and managing my grades, I tend to focus on that more. On that note, for my Final Task project, I've been debating with myself. I'm not sure how I will execute it. Now, I finally have a plan after deep considerations. I'm so excited to start; I just know it will come out astounding. For my project, I will be working alone because of the pandemic but it's satisfactory. Working alone helps me to work faster and conce